Lestle Wilbur "L. W." Newcomer
L. W. Newcomer, civil engineer who headed up the building of the Kansas Turnpike, was born Nov. 23, 1901 in Alexander, KS. He attended the Kansas State Agricultural College in Manhattan, KS, earning degrees in science and in civil engineering.
Coming to El Dorado, KS in 1925, he became the Butler County Engineer, managing CWA, WPA and PWA projects during the Depression years. During World War II, he commanded a Seabee unit seeing action on various islands in the Pacific theater.
Asked to join the Kansas Turnpike Authority, he became chief engineer and manager of the project, establishing a new record of efficiency in major road construction that was to inspire others world-wide.
As president of the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association, he demonstrated international leadership in the design and construction of major highways.
Recipient of numerous awards of commendation, including medals from the Italian government and Pope Paul VI; listed in Who’s Who in America.